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1. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW)

(lead beneficiary) - Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU)

With 4 faculties and numerous areas of study such as Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design and Media, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW) has a distinctive identity. Today the university offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with about 40 courses of study, including  fine art, design, visual communication, media design, media studies, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, environment and management. The term “Bauhaus” represents an eagerness to experiment, openness, creativity, a close link to industrial practice and internationality.

In total, BUW comprises 37 study paths, 78 profs, 15 junior profs, 188 partner universities and 520 exchange spots. There are 615 registered PhDs at BUW, more than 1/3 are international (234). Out of the 4.219 students (2014) at BUW, 21% are international. BUW has been awarded by DAAD with the distinction “The International University 2011”. BUW took first place among 27 competing universities in Germany.

2. Universidad de Valladolid (UVa) - Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (IUU)

The University of Valladolid (UVa), is one of the oldest European Universities and one of the most important centers of higher education in Spain. It comprises 4 campuses -Valladolid, Palencia, Segovia and Soria, over 100 degrees, 80 doctoral programs (14 Honor Mention) and 68 postgraduate degrees, accredited international relations and prestigious research centers.

On average, nearly 25,000 students enroll each year. UVa counts more than 2,500 teachers, 4 certified laboratories serving the industry, nearly 300 research laboratories and 57 departments. Taking advantage of UVa´s extensive network in the academic and non-academic sector, over 60% of students do internships in companies and other institutions. UVa offers a comprehensive range of international double degrees – e.g. double degree in Economics (UVa – Université de Lille 1, Lille, France), in Business Management and Administration (UVA – Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy) or in Tourism (UVa - Jadehochschule University of Applied Science, Wilhelmshaven, Germany) - and promotes the transfer of research results.

3. Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (UPJŠ) – Faculty of Arts, Department of History

4. Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) - Department of Spatial Planning

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) ranks among the major educational and scientific institutions recognized not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in advanced Europe. The current structure includes five faculties – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration and Faculty of Arts. More than 7 800 students are enrolled at present, out of whom more than 10% are international. The university offers a degree in three main levels of study – bachelor’s (109 accredited pro-grams), master’s and doctor´s (66 accredited programs) and 42 accredited PhD programs in different fields, with more than 110 PhD graduates per academic year. In total, UPJŠ employs 104 Professors, 170 Associate Professors and 432 PhDs. UPJS cooperates very intensively with more than 160 academic institutions all around the world (degree-awarding cooperation based on co-supervising agreements resulting in double degrees as well as Erasmus+ and other intern. educational projects and mobilities).

BTH was founded in 1989. It has grown rapidly and today counts approximately 5.100 registered students and 500 staff members. BTH has a focus on applied IT and a sustainable development profile which means that high-quality technology research is integrated with other disciplines such as management, health science and humanities to ensure sustainable development. The university has very strong ties to companies and the surrounding society and it is often rated high with respect to collaborative ability. The collaboration between the research and industry provides the researchers with very good insights in the industrial challenges and forms a basis for conducting applied research in information technology.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.

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