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Call for contributions to urbanHIST Newsletter

The purpose of the urbanHIST Newsletter is to provide a communication platform for the whole project team to share their research experience inside and outside the urbanHIST consortium. It is also a platform for sharing or receiving information and news about urbanHIST project, beneficiaries and project partners. The newsletter provides a great opportunity for early stage researchers (PhD. students) to share their research work, expectations and opinions. Furthermore, the newsletter will also present personal profiles and interviews as well as new or interesting publications, conferences and events. Last but not least, the urbanHIST newsletter welcomes the input from the outside of the consortium and hopes to communicate the project philosophy and findings beyond the primary academic audience.

We are open to new suggestions regarding the contents of the newsletter and your inputs are more than welcome.

We cordially invite you all to contribute to the newsletter.

UrbanHIST Newsletter welcomes the following articles:

   Major articles:

  • contributions for the editiorial (views on current events, reasoned opinion based on facts, stance on specific issues, politics as well as social or cultural issues)

  •  presentation of urbanHIST beneficiaries and project partners

  •  personality profile (interviews with local directors, supervisors and management of the project as well as institutional management)

  •  project reports

  • researcher network (contributions about early stage researchers and their research work)

   Short articles:

  • short project announcements (the last three months)

  • announcements for upcoming events (project events or relevant events regarding the urban history - within the next three months)

  • conferences, workshops and other events (calls for papers, reports, etc.)

  • reviews of publications (monographs, journals and dissertations, etc.)

  • information about new publications, journals, multimedia or websites

Specifications for authors:
The final text must be written in English and should be submitted in MS Word format with Times New Roman font, on A4 regular size paper.
Word count: major articles 500 to 1 000 words, short articles 300 to 500 words.
All articles should include photos and illustrations on a royalty-free basis (please add: scans of reviewed books, images from conferences, suitable pictures illustrating your contributions, etc.)

Deadlines for receipt of articles:
January Issue – Deadline January 10th
April Issue - Deadline April 10th
July Issue - Deadline July 10th
October Issue - Deadline October 10th

Please send your contributions to: zuzana.tokarova@upjs.sk

Please note: Editorial team reserves the right not to publish all submitted content in the newsletter. The submitted content may be published in a later newsletter instead of the current issue. Minor editorial changes may be applied.

Any further queries regarding the newsletter should be mailed to: zuzana.tokarova@upjs.sk

We look forward to participation from you all.

Editorial team


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.

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