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urbanHIST Quality Management Structure

The organisational structure of the urbanHIST Consortium comprises the following Consortium Bodies:

The urbanHIST consortium is governed by the Supervisory Board which equals the General Assembly. The Supervisory Board is chaired by the Board of Managers. The Supervisory Board will have regular network meetings at least bi-annually during the Network-Wide Workshop Weeks (NWWW). The Supervisory Board is responsible to monitor the quality of the overall progression of the project.


On the local level of urbanHIST, there will be 1 Local Director (LD), who is the lead academic at the respective beneficiary and 1 Local Coordinator (LC).


urbanHIST External Expert Advisory Board  (EEAB) is a scientific board. It is formed by 6 international experts for a period of at first 24 months and scientifically accompanies urbanHIST. It advises but has no decisive power. Its main aim is to function as an institutional bridge and to link urbanHIST to the international scientific community and vice versa. The membership in the Advisory Board is ad honorem.  

Seven thematic boards and committees are responsible for the monitoring and quality control of integral parts of the project. Each committee will be chaired by one LD in compliance with their assigned field of management.


# The Ethics Committee monitors compliance with ethics related mutual standards, negotiates cases of scientific misconduct or misbehaviour. Members have signed a confidentiality statement.

Chaired by Max Welch Guerra (WP1-leader); Members: Stadtmuseum Dresden (NAPO), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (APO), Center of Social and Psychological Sciences at Slovak Academy of Sciences (APO), Azmah Arzmi (ESR)


# The Supervision Steering Committee monitors ESRs´ progress, mediates between parties in dispute and evaluates the biannual quality assessment questionnaire (QAQ).

Chaired by Britta Trostorff (PM); Members: Abdellah Abarkan (LD), Max Welch Guerra (LD), Université Paris-Est (APO), Boverket (NAPO), Susanna Weddige(ESR)


# The Training Committee monitors the quality of and the compliance with training activities (local and network wide). It is in constant exchange with the ESRs about their necessities.

Chaired by Maria Castrillo (WP4-leader); Members: Abdellah Abarkan (LD), CIVA (NAPO), Atrium (NAPO), Université Paris-Est (APO), Center for Urban History (APO), Elvira Khairullina (ESR)


# The Events Committee organises and initiates major network-wide training events and monitors local events at each beneficiary (e.g. open lecture series).

Chaired by Abdellah Abarkan (WP2-leader); Members: Politecnico di Milano (APO), ArkDes (NAPO), Andreea Blaga (ESR)


# The Dissemination Committee monitors the quality and progress of agreed dissemination activities of the consortium and the ESRs. It establishes contact to the press / publishers.

Chaired by Martin Pekár (WP3-leader); Members: Max Welch Guerra (LD), Boverket (NAPO), Center for Contemporary History at the Czech Academy of Sciences (APO)


# The Editors Board monitors, prepares and surveys project website´s contents (incl. blog contributions). It supports to edit urbanHIST Annual Reports. Also, it disseminates information related to the project via Facebook and Twitter accounts. Therefore, one of the ESR members of this board is appointed as Social Media Commissioner (SMC).

Chaired by Martin Pekár (WP3-leader); Members: Ksenija Krsmanovic, Andrea Gimeno, Azmah Arzmi, Agnes Dudych (SMC), Zuzana Tokárová


# The Budgeting Committee decides about and monitors budget allocations. It supports PM in writing the Annual Financial Reports.

Chaired by Max Welch Guerra (WP1-leader); Members: Maria Castrillo (LD), Martin Pekár (LD), Abdellah Abarkan (LD), Britta Trostorff (PM)



Besides the boards and committees four special competencies persons are appointed, which have key-functions in ensuring the quality management:


# The ESR representative is elected by the ESRs for one year as a spokesperson for ESR’s concerns and requests and officially represents the ESR in the Supervisory Board. The ESR representative gives regular reports to the Supervisory Board about ESR´s satisfaction with the project and mediates between parties in dispute.

ESR representative 04/17 – 03/18: Susanna Weddige


# The Confidential Person is a contact person for ESRs´ concerns and problems and is elected by the ESRs for one year out of the female members of the consortium. The Confidential Person should mediate between parties in dispute and gives anonymous reports.  She is associated member of the Ethics and the Supervision Steering Committees. Therefore, a confidentiality statement is signed by the Confidential Person.

Confidential Person 04/17 – 03/18: Eliana Perotti (EEAB Member)


# An Equal Opportunities Officer is a consulting member of the Supervisory Board and monitors compliance with urbanHIST Gender Equality Guide and any other equal opportunities related concerns.

The institutional Opportunities Officers fulfil this function.


# An Online Commissioner creates, launches and maintains the project website. The Online Commissioner establishes the blog section and closely cooperates with the Editors Board.

Online commissioner: Tomáš Polák (UPJŠ MST)



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.

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