The following partner organisations are involved in the programme and will host researchers for secondments:
ArkDes Arkitektur - och Designcentrum Skeppsholmen - Architecture and Design Centre (Sweden)
ArkDes is a national center for architecture and design. The architect-designed house (Rafael Moneo) on Skeppsholmen in Stockholm is something to discover for all ages. Here are intermingled building researchers, pre-school classes, families and other curious. Architecture and Design Centre, ArkDes offer unique and educational exhibits, school programs, family activities. In addition, also a beautiful and praised special library with its unique collections of architecture. ArkDes arranges city tours, debates and other program activities on various architectural and design issues.
The main objectives of the ATRIUM project are to create a cultural route on the architectural heritage of totalitarian regimes and to contribute to better insight and understanding of this traumatic period in European history. After a start-up project funded under the Southeast Europe programme, the ATRIUM Route was founded, in 2013, and gained recognition from the Council of Europe in 2014. The European Cultural Route ATRIUM promotes an appreciation of the architectural heritage left by totalitarian regimes, and the development of a sustainable cultural tourism, which enhances a full critical historical and aesthetic appreciation of the “dissonant” heritage that these regimes left behind. In this way, ATRIUM significantly contributes to a comprehensive presentation of the architectural heritage of the previous century, which is an integral part of European history.
Boverket – Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Sweden)
The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) is supervising the built environment, spatial planning and resource conservation. Environment and energy policy is often implemented through the planning system. Boverket is responsible for the assessment of the national environmental quality goal "Good Built Environment" as well as the comprehensive goal of "Spatial Planning and Resource Conservation of Land and Water". Social inclusion is given much attention. Boverket supervises town and country planning in Sweden from legislative, procedural and architectural perspectives. The focus is on Detailed Development Planning.
The Institute of Social Sciences focuses on an interdisciplinary research of ethnic relationships within urban con-text. The institute’s main areas of interest include ethnic minorities’ questions and socio-psychological research of behaviour strategies. The interdisciplinary social sciences research workplace (History, Sociology, Social Psychology) offers access to consultation and advisory services, library, and bibliographical online databases. Under the title “Individual and Society” (Človek a spoločnosť), the SAV edits and publishes a registered online peer-reviewed quarterly journal with publications in English and Slovak, which follows strict publication ethics.
Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid - Official Chamber of Architects of Madrid (Spain)
COAM is a non-profit organisation founded, in 1990, to promote, protect, teach and spread the values of architecture, urbanism and related disciplines focusing on the development of the city. COAM is a public corporation, which represents and defends the professional interests of its members in Madrid, safeguarding cultural and environmental values of the architecture for the benefit of society. COAM’s mission is to protect, defend and document Europe’s architectural heritage.
Fondation CIVA Stichting - The Civa Foundation (Belgium)
Created in 2016 at the initiative of the Brussels-Capital Region, the CIVA Foundation brings together within a single structure the resources, knowledge and know-how of several cultural associations active in Brussels in the fields of architecture, town planning, landscape and the study of ecosystems: the Archives d’Architecture Moderne, the René Pechère Library, the Fonds pour l’architecture, the Paul Duvigneaud Centre and CIVA asbl, now dissolved. Through its cultural project, the CIVA Foundation contributes to the development of an architectural, landscape and urban culture as a basis for facing contemporary challenges, with special emphasis on Brussels.
In successfully fulfilling its missions and addressing a wide public (adults and children, students, researchers, architects, landscapers, garden and nature lovers, politicians, etc.), the CIVA Foundation organises numerous events and activities at various locations, including temporary and permanent exhibitions, conferences, debates and exchanges of opinion, educational activities. It also makes available to the general public exceptional archives (architects’ and landscapers’ documents: plans, sketches, models, furniture, etc.) and libraries containing almost 40,000 works and journals on architecture, town planning, the history of towns and cities, landscapes, gardens and urban ecology.
These activities and materials are designed to arouse the curiosity and interest of all in our living environment, whether built or living.
Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
ÚSD was established in 1990. It is an integral part of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Its function is to conduct primary research into post-1938 Czech and Czechoslovak history within an international context. The main focus lies on a multi-layered exploration of contemporary history, which includes sociological, every day and mundane, economic and international aspects. ÚSD comprises 3 departments: the Department of the Nazi Occupation and Building of Socialism, Department of Real Socialism and Department of Late-/Post-Socialism. In addition, there is another structure of smaller, flexible, sometimes ad hoc or temporary work teams and centres (e.g. Oral History Centre, Centre of Studies of Minorities; Working Group, “Society and Regime”). Since 2002, ÚSD comprises the Department of the History of Science and, since 2009, the Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities.
International Planning History Society – IPHS (United Kingdom)
The International Planning History Society (IPHS) was inaugurated in January 1993 as a successor body to the Planning History Group, founded in England in 1974. The Society endeavors to foster the study of planning history worldwide, encourages and supports interest and place-based networks in the fields of planning history, publishes a journal, organises conferences, and provides an international network for member contact. Membership of IPHS is both academic and practice-oriented. Its interdisciplinary membership is drawn from the fields of planning, architecture, history, geography, sociology, politics, and related fields. It has a membership of individuals and institutions drawn from over 30 countries.
Politecnico di Milano – Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (Italy)
Department of Architecture and Urban Studies is one of the main departments of Politecnico di Milano University, a prominent European research and teaching institution, embedded in a well-established international network of centres of excellence. Department of Architecture and Urban Studies develops thematic and interdisciplinary research in the field if architectural and urban projects, urban and spatial planning, territorial governance, urban policy, conservation and intervention on heritage and natural environment. It encourages forms of cooperation with institutional and social actors at local, national and international levels.
The Dresden City Museum (Stadtmuseum Dresden) is part of a network of museums that is worth visiting: The "Museums of the City of Dresden" include the Dresden Municipal Gallery and Art Collection, the Dresden Museum of Technology and Industry, the Kunsthaus Dresden, the Leonhardi Museum Dresden, the Carl Maria von Weber Museum, the Kraszewski Museum, the Kügelgenhaus - Museum of Romanticism, the Palitzsch Museum, the Schiller Pavilion and the City Museum.
The first origins of the Dresden City Museum go back to the Verein für Geschichte und Topographie Dresden, founded in 1869. In 1891 the Dresden City Museum was officially opened. Due to the destruction of World War II it was housed in the town hall from 1950 to 1965, before it found its present domicile in the rebuilt so called country house in 1966. The building was designed by the Saxon court architect Friedrich August Krubsacius (1718-1789) between 1770 and 1775 as a "house of country and tax administration" for the Saxonian stands. It is characterised by the combination of stylistic elements of late Baroque, Rococo and - for the first time in Dresden - early Classicism.
Today, the Dresden City Museum is a guardian of Dresden's material culture, but it is also a place for Dresden citizens to find out more about their own historical roots. The permanent exhibition on Dresden’s 800-year-old history presents over 1,000 pieces in four halls with 1,400 square metres. More than 20 media stations and many educational attractions provide various opportunities to engage with the history of Dresden. It presents regularly temporary exhibitions about culture, architecture, economy and every day-life of the former residence and nowadays capital city of Saxony. Dresden City Museum arranges educational activities, city tours, debates, lectures and other program activities for different ages and interests.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio (Regional and Town Planning Department) constitutes the key academic unit at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid focusing on issues of urban history and planning history. It is the largest planning department in Spain in terms of faculty members. DUyOT is also the coordinator of renowned postgraduate programmes (e.g. PhD in Sustainability and Urban Regeneration in cooperation with MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology), academic publications and journals (e.g. Ci[ur] Cuadernos de investigación urbanística) in Spain.
Université Paris-Est – École D’Urbanisme de Paris (France)
EUP is heir to one of the longest traditions in teaching urban planning in France. The origins of EUP lie in the institutional and intellectual context of the early 20th century. EUP perceives the development of Europe as a set of ideas, but also practices operational urban planning. EUP is the result of a merger of the two most important French institutes for urban planning (Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris – IUP; Institut Français d’Urbanisme – IFU).
EUP has more than 50 faculty members researching and teaching in all major fields of urban planning (e.g. transport and mobility, environment, territorial strategies). While serving as a place of collective expertise and research, EUP exhibits a multi-disciplinary approach, which is reflected and executed by professional experts of various areas of expertise focusing on the history of urbanism (e.g. architects, engineers, political scientists, geographers, sociologists, planners, economists).
University of Leicester – Center for Urban History (United Kingdom)
The Centre for Urban History (CUH), established in 1985, is a specialist research centre of international academic excellence which attracts MA and PhD students from around the world. The Centre maintains active links with academics and research institutions across the globe. The Centre houses the Cambridge University Press journal “Urban History” and publishes the monthly online Urban History Newsletter. There is in-house doctoral training and Masters courses in urban history and urban conservation.