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Regeneration of Former Trieste Barracks (Casarsa della Delizia, Pordenone) and Military Armoury (Vol

In February and March 2019 I participated in two debates in the frame of the re-use and regeneration of former military sites in Italy. These old military properties are the Trieste barracks in Casarsa della Delizia (Pordenone province), and military armoury. The public events were:

- “Processi di dismissione degli immobili militari: prospettive nazionali e una prima indagine sul Montello” [Processes for the disposal of military properties: national perspectives and an initial survey on Montello] at Volpago del Montello Town-hall in the frame of the project financed by the same municipality called “Riqualificazione della ex Polveriera di Volpago del Montello. Primi incontri con i cittadini per una progettazione partecipata” [Redevelopment of the former armoury of Volpago del Montello. First meetings with citizens for participatory planning] on 15th February. My lecture was titled “Processi di dismissione del patrimonio immobiliare del Ministero della Difesa: criticità e questioni aperte. Uno sguardo d’insieme preliminare atto al progetto di riqualicazione dell’ex polveriera di Volpago del Montello” [Processes for the disposal of the Ministry of Defence’s real estate assets: critical issues and open questions. A preliminary overview of the redevelopment project of the former armoury of Volpago del Montello]. The experts were Moreno Baccichet, author of the book Fortezza FGV. Dalla guerra fredda alle aree militari dismesse [FGV Fortress. From the cold war to the abandoned military areas]. Monfalcone (Gorizia): Edicom Edizioni (2015); and Matteo Basso, post-doc researcher of the Department of Culture del Progetto at Università IUAV di Venezia (https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=TeHY8S0AAAAJ&hl=it)

- “Oltre il filo spinato. Quale future per le aree military dismesse?” [Beyond barbed wire. What future for disused military areas?), organized by the Department DASTU of the Politecnico di Milano at Palace “Burovich De Majevich – City of Casarsa della Delizia Town-hall in Casarsa della Delizia on 15th March. My lecture was titled “Opportunità e inerzialità nella gestione delle aree militari dismesse in Italia” [Opportunities and inertia in the management of disused military areas in Italy). Among the participants, I highlight the presence of Luca Maria Francesco Fabris, who organised the event, and Laura Montedoro, both of them associate professors at the same DASTU of Politecnico di Milano (see respectively their profile at


My participation in both events aimed to highlight the longstanding issues concerning properties no longer useful to the institutional goals of the Italian Ministry of Defense, to analyze the State dismissal and valorization policies and the related procedures. Besides, the lectures put into the foreground the fact of recovery of these former military areas as new integrated part of their territories, merging the necessity of saving the past heritage and developing a new landscape vision, bringing together the historical and contemporary ways of living and promoting urban regeneration complex operations.

For more information see:

Fabris L. M. F., Camerin F., “Cold War Heritage in Northeast Italy, A Challenge for Landscape Design”. In Delarue, S. & Dufour, R. (eds., 2018). Landscapes of Conflict. ECLAS Conference 2018, Ghent, Belgium. Conference Proceedings. Ghent: University College Ghent – School of Arts – Landscape & Garden Architecture and Landscape Development, pp. 360-366. ISBN 9789491564130

Camerin F., Gastaldi F., Italian military real estate assets re-use issues and opportunities in three capital cities. Land Use Policy, Volume 78, pp. 672-681, November 2018. ISSN: 0264-8377. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.07.028

Text and posters: Federico Camerin


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.

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