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urbanHIST Training

urbanHIST provides its researchers with a comprehensive training programme during their time of PhD research. This programme provides trainings to develop and improve field-related, social, personal and ability competences. This is achieved through 7 qualification tracks, which are crucial for increasing ESRs´ intersectoral employability:
Sensitizing Track
Field-Related Track
Academic Qualification Track
Non-Academic Qualification Track
Transferrable Skills Track
Language Qualification Track

Software Track

The training programme is run by the consortium in cooperation with external experts.

Three main components of the training programme can be distinguished:
(1) Network Wide Workshop Weeks, (2) webinars/e-guest lectures and (3) the open lecture series.

1. Network Wide Workshop Weeks

The 7 qualification tracks are executed as a workshop series within biannual network-wide workshop weeks (NWWW1-7). The content and timing of the NWWW is adapted to the overall milestone structure of the programme. Representatives of all consortium members are present.
All workshop weeks will take place every six months comprising the administrative as well as training elements such as individual consultations, supervision meetings, discussion of Career Development Plan with the supervision team, a colloquium between all ESRs and the members of their supervision teams, workshops focused on qualification tracks etc. In order to get to know the premises of all beneficiaries and expose the ESRs to different research environments, NWWWs will be hosted on a rotating basis by the beneficiaries and organized with the support of the network and training manager at UVa.
In order to ensure a high quality in doctoral training, most workshops will be conducted by professionally trained external experts, who will be selected in cooperation with the skilled local further education institutions. However, issues central to the philosophy and content of urbanHIST will either be complemented or conducted by contributions of the local directors (LD) and APOs/ NAPOs.

2. Webinars/e-guest lectures

Every 6 months, in-between NWWWs, renown international researchers from inside and outside the consortium who are experts in academic and non-academic areas within the field of the history of European urbanism will be invited for e-guest lectures/ webinars. These events will take place online. All consortium members are thus able to join. Guest lectures offer a chance to (i) incorporate the expert knowledge of individual persons at other research facilities inside and outside Europe, (ii) expand the knowledge and strengthen the expertise of the consortium. ESRs can make suggestions on whom to invite for guest lectures.

3. Open Lecture Series

At each beneficiary, regular open lecture series focusing on specific aspects of the history of European urbanism in the 20th century shall be implemented. Thematic input for the lecture series will primarily be provided by the representatives of POs and academic staff at the respective institution. Later on, ESRs will be actively involved in holding lectures. ESRs from other beneficiaries may be invited as guest lecturers and thus reinforcing the overall coherence and team spirit of UrbanHist.

The doctoral training programme is further complemented by the following events:
- presenting the results of ESRs´ research at international conferences outside the consortium
- 2 international conferences organized by the consortium during the funding time for ESRs (“Young Urban(H)ists”,”UrbanHist Conference”)

- 3 obligatory intersectoral secondments scheduled as part of the three-year doctoral programme summing up to 12 months, divided into 2 academic and 1 non-academic secondment
- publications and regular blog and newsletter contributions
- involvement in teaching activities to gain experiences in this field
- local trainings offered at the hosting institution (e.g. research school, language school, career service, computer centre etc.).

photo by Thomas Müller

photo by Thomas Müller

photo by Federico Camerin

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721933.

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